Philip Pullman Said Yes

I love comics, and I have considered at least three proposals to turn HDM into a graphic novel. I haven’t said yes yet because I wasn’t happy with some aspect of what was being suggested – the length, or the writer, or the artist, or something else. If the right combination of writer (because I haven’t got time to do it myself) and artist comes along, backed by a publisher who will give the project enough space, then I’d be delighted to say yes. (In answer to a 2010 question about when and if there might be a graphic novel.)

Well, it seems Philip Pullman finally said yes. There’s a graphic novel coming, the first volume out in the US this September.  So, so excited and happy.



Filed under Philip Pullman

5 responses to “Philip Pullman Said Yes

  1. Eric Carpenter

    A google image search of the graphic novel team “clement oubrerie and Stéphane Melchior Durand” results in lots of images from the French version (which appears to have already been released).
    Here’s a french blog post with some interior art:
    Wish I could read it…


    • When I first heard about it I went search and found those images too. Then I found it on edelweiss. However, the egalley has the speech bubble text at the bottom of the panels (leaving the speech bubbles empty) so I decided I would wait for a real galley which I just got (thus the image). My only frustration is having to wait for the second and third volumes!


  2. Pingback: Philip Pullman’s The Golden Compass, the Graphic Novel | educating alice

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